Thursday, October 29, 2009

Changing meds

So my doctor decided to switch me from Embrel shots to Remicade IV drip since my psoriasis isn't making any improvement. I am always in pain, especially at night. Poor Ernie has to rub my legs everynight so I can get some sleep. I talked to some ladies that were on it , an 81 year old that had been on it since it came out, non for psoriatic arthritis, but they all said it was wondeful.

I just really hope it does something for me. The scary part is I have to go off my meds NOW and won't start the new ones until November 17th. It is 2 hours each time, after I start I don't know how long until I feel better. Going to be in a lot of pain until then. My knee and hip are already hurting.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Stupid News

This is from the Mohave Daily News

THEFT, BULLHEAD CITY - Police are investigating a theft that occurred at a dental office at approximately 2 p.m. Wednesday in the 2600 block of Silver Creek Road. Police said a woman stole her medical file from the office. The office attempted to contact the woman and they desire prosecution if she does not return the file

Soooo, they are going to charge her with stealing her OWN records. And knowing the problems that some people have had getting their OWN records I can totally see why she did it. I know people that have fought for years to get their records to new doctors. I hope she gets away with it lol

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Marius wants to be like daddy

"Hello, this is police Marius, what can I do for you? Ok, ok , ok what else? ok I am on way"

"Mom, I have to go... you do some chores, I have some work to do far away."

all this loaded down with a badge, handcuffs and gun. He did "call" me when he got there to let me know he was ok, so that is good =)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Gullah Gullah island is right. Life would suck without rules.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


I am so very tired. I am finally having to admit that maybe having psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis are effecting me more than just pain wise. I am 34 and have had psoriasis since I was about 8, PA since about 15. And I have been trying to say oh, I am just tired. But man oh man am I tired. After we go to California or anywhere for a day, or people come out to visit, I need at least 2 days of rest before I am feeling better. 

I could fall asleep sitting here right now. And I am getting full nights of sleep. I guess it is just getting harder for me to deal with it in my old age haha

Just had to complain for a bit lol. I am going to go lay down now... I will be around later I am sure =)

Friday, April 10, 2009

My hubby and I. If we were purple LOL. Just messing around with some pictures.
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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I was bitten by an alligator...

I was bitten by an alligator...

ok, not a real one and it was just one tooth but still how many people can say that lol.

Here is what happened. Ernie has a little alligator head that his friend brought him back from his parents house when he went to visit. It was about 6 inches long and freaked me out. So we were rearranging the house yesterday and I noticed my dog Jasper was just going to town eating something. I went over to check it out and it was the damn alligator head!! She ate the whole bottom jaw. I have no idea how the teeth didn't hurt her. She isn't sick. we were worried about all the stuff they use to preserve it but she is fine today.

Any ways I gave my son and step son this big speech about being careful because some of the teeth may be around and it would hurt *picture me shaking my finger at them, making sure they understand* . Took about 4 steps away and BAM something was in my foot. It hurt SO bad. I looked down and there was blood gushing out from my foot through my sock , I thought I was going to have to go to the hospital!! Ernie came over and looked at it and stopped the bleeding, it was a teeny tiny cut. I think it was one of the stupid little teeth.

Ernie was laughing saying I am one of the only people he knows that could have that much blood from a freaking alligator tooth on the ground. It is just a bizarre way to get hurt LMAO
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