These are from a journal jar (link has sample questions or google journal jar to find some) that my momm made me years ago and I just decided to start working on again in blog form.
From my momm- you can give me any assortment of craft things, and I can make SOMETHING out of it lol. Wind chimes out of soda cans, Christmas decorations out of bell ornaments and ribbons, whatever it is, I can usually come up with something. Now how good it is varies depending on the supplies and my mood lol. From her I also get my love of scrapbooking, which I have turned into tagging, and making cards. None of which I get to do enough lol
From my dadd- well. I can ruin the punch line of a joke with the best of em lol. But he did teach me how to change a tire, change the oil, check to see when you can open the radiator if it over heated, mostly stuff having to do with cars. He wanted to make sure I could take care of my self. And I can... I would just rather have a man do it hehe